Monday, October 12, 2009

Snacking Sensations

Squirrels know where it's at, as usual, and apparently nuts are a very good snack, especially if you want to lower your cholesterol levels! This is because they have a relatively high levels of Mono-unsaturated fats and Poly-unsaturated fats. Recent research has shown that while Trans-fats still greatly increase heart disease risk, and Poly and Mono-unsaturated fats still decrease heart disease risk, Saturated fat is actually a fairly neutral substance compared to carbohydrates. So while nuts tend to have some Saturated fat, the Mono and Poly-unsaturated fats make them a beneficial food. Especially good for you is Poly-unsaturated fats.

Substituting 2% of your daily calories (that's only like 25 calories people) from Trans fat to Poly-unsaturated fat reduces your risk of coronary heart disease by more than HALF.
Don't eat Trans fat! Don't do it!
A scary problem with avoiding Trans fat is that a food with up to a half a gram of trans fat per serving is allowed to be labeled as containing zero grams trans fat, or as trans fat free. Since the recommended daily limit of trans fat is only 2 grams, you can get over this limit pretty easily by eating only "trans fat free" foods. Also remember that this is per serving; a serving of Oreos is 2 cookies, and I know you haven't ever had just two Oreos.
Trans fat is not found in nature, so only processed foods will contain them. Food manufacturers started using them because they turn liquid fats, which are more perishable and messy, into handy solid fats (think margarine). Things to avoid:
Stick Margarine, and any tub Margarine that doesn't say it is trans-fat free
Fast Food
That fake cream stuff in twinkies and the like
(Have you ever heard of the cardiologist's diet? If it tastes good, spit it out.)

All right, back to the nuts. The BEST nuts:
1. Hazelnuts (these are like superfood)
2. Walnuts (has the most poly-unsaturated)
3. Pecans
4. Almonds

The not-so-great nuts (sorry dad):
1. Brazil Nuts
2. Cashews
3. Peanuts

So eat your walnuts and hazelnuts! (Trader Joe's, and probably other stores, make delicious spicy or caramelized walnut/pecan snacks which make an excellent substitute for mixed nuts. You should all try.)

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